Friday, April 12, 2013

"The Artist Within" Stephanie Gardner

         Being the artist I am I like to credit myself on finding the beauty in the most surreal of places. I often suffer from insomnia. As I lie in silence, well silence accompanied by the stale dialogue of a humming television I think about places others find beautiful. I then challenge myself to think of an obscure way to present said place to them that enables them to see it in a new light. I find even more joy in finding a place that the majority of people overlook on a regular basis and creating an awesome piece of art around it.

          One of my favorite mediums as far as art is concerned is worship. I feel that the act of worshiping is and can be just as beautiful and graceful as the Bristles of a brush as they spread paint across a canvas, and my shutter as it captures the scene I have created in front of it.  Whether it be the Indians in a rain circle, the tribes of distant countries as they make sacrifices to gods some of us will never know about, the Muslims as they worship Allah 5 times a day facing Mecca, the Hindus as they worship in the Ganges one of the several gods in their polytheistic religion, the monks that worship Buddha with silence, or the sounds of choirs as they sing praises to the Christian God. The God of whom I worship in all aspects of my life.

          I was first introduced to Stephanie's art of worship at a revival in 2011. A band she was singing for at the time had been asked to perform the music one of the nights. Just so happened the only night I was able to attend was the night they were there. The energy from the band was electric, inspiring, and all around awesome. Being a musician myself i found myself noticing the different members of the band, what they were playing, and how it compared to the way i played the songs. As I examined their performance I found myself mesmerized by Stephanie's approach to this performance. she sang as if it was only her on stage, no congregation, no bands, no equipment, just her and God. To see someone get so completely lost in worship inspired me to perfect my talents that I have been blessed with by God.

In late 2012 I began attending ignite church of Greenville on a regular basis. It was after a few weeks that I recognized Stephanie as one of their leading female vocalists and automatically the same inspiration and humility that I remembered so fervently were still there, amplified even more so than I had remembered.

My reason behind choosing her to be a part of "the artist within" series seems a no brainer by now.  The shoot with her was amazing, getting to know her and discuss her passion for worship was a true blessing, not to mention the images we created were stunning in dramatic elements and elegant beauty. My reason for choosing this location is because of my initial mindset when seeing her worship, that of worshiping alone. Worshiping as if the seats are empty, as if the crowd has gone home, the lights still shine and all that is left is all that matters most, the holy presence of God, the God she so passionately worships.  A God of whom sees her imperfections but sought her out, blessed her with the voice to reach millions in His name. Stephanie's dream is to use her talents in ministry for the Kingdom of God. Regardless of your views on Christianity, whether you believe in the God she serves or you choose to believe in other religions the beauty and passion she expresses while serving her King, the King of Kings is something to be respected.

I pride myself on being respectful of all religions. I have immense respect for anyone who has the courage to stand behind a belief that they have researched and believe wholeheartedly even if I disagree with them.

That being said, working with other Christian is always an inspiration and a humbling point. You see, I am a sinner just as we all are. No amount of worship, nor works I do for Gods kingdom will suffice for my sinful nature. It is only by the grace of God and blood of His son Jesus that I am saved and made anew in His eyes.

If you are ever in Greenville on a Sunday morning, I strongly encourage you to visit ignite church. If for no other reason than to see Stephanie as she performs the art she was born to create.

I will save you a seat, heck I'll even walk you in :)
