Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Of White and Black "Calming Path"

        As I scouted locations while waiting for Jamie and Blair to arrive for their shoot, I slipped down a muddy river bank. This lead to a muddy butt, which makes for a miserable shoot let me tell you. I then frantically scurried back to my car where I grabbed a towel from the backseat and began cleaning myself off. Morgan, a dear friend to me had come along to assist and hang out, being as both Jamie and Blair are two of her best friends. Morgan has seen me at my worst. I probably see our friendship in a different light than she does, but none the less. She is an amazing Human. I have shot Morgan in the pouring rain, we have been eaten up by biting flies together, nearly froze to death on the water for shoots, and even with all of that she still trusts me to get the image that will stand out from the others in our area. Anyways, back to the story. Morgan was the first to arrive at the spot. I am glad it was her too, because if it were anyone else I may have been embarrassed. The reason being this, I was in my boxer briefs on my hands and knees scrubbing mud out of my jeans in hopes of not looking like a complete mess during the shoot. She took a photo of it, so I am assuming she is saving it for blackmail. Luckily I had gotten the majority of the mud out by the time Jamie arrived for our shoot together.

            One of my oldest friends recently went through and read every one of my blog posts. She said to me that its evident a connection is built between me and everyone that I shoot. That she can tell I take the relationships I have between my clients seriously and really value them as humans over subjects in a grand idea. When asking another what her impression of me while we shot her words were “calm, focused, intrigued, and dedicated to boosting confidence and creating a comfortable environment.” I recently asked another client of whom I have worked with numerous times their opinion of me and the way I go about shooting. The response they gave brought a grin to my face. “you always try to make me or whoever the model may be comfortable be setting the mood of the shoot to friendly and easy. It’s never like we are working. We just have a conversation and take pictures. But at the same time you deliver results that make it seems like we were strictly on business, on a professional level.” It’s great to hear these things from people I work with. It is even better when someone who is looking at my photos says things like “you really capture the essence of your subject.” I ask tough question. I push the envelope and really try to get to know the real person that I am shooting. I am not interested in the person that everyone else knows them as. I am interested in knowing and capturing the person that they see themselves as. The person they strive to be. My main statement is this “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”

            When working with Jamie It was a little harder to build that connection because there were so many people with us as we shot. Four may seem like a small number but when I am used to me, the model, and one other it is a lot. Don’t get me wrong. I loved having Blair, Morgan, Jamie’s stepmother and sister there to experience the shoot. It was just a different experience is all. We have plans in place to shoot again. I am hoping that with the next shoot I am able to learn more of Jamie’s personality. Even with that being said, I would’ve been blind not to notice that the gentle nature and classic beauty that Jamie has are slow down time. At one point during the shoot I remember zoning out thinking about how beautiful she was. Not just her beauty but how naturally it came. Both effortlessly and flawlessly she amazed me with the amount of ease that she blended into the scene that I created for her.

             I hope you enjoy these Images of Jamie. Be on the lookout for more photos from her in the future. I look forward to photographing her again.

             Thanks so much for all of your support. For questions on booking, buying prints, or just to say hi   use the contact info below.

Instagram: @spencer_bunting
Phone: 252-813-2977
Email: efphotog@gmail.com

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